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HENRY 531 快速修补砂浆

● 快硬、快干
● 在1.5小时后可进行后续地材铺设,不垂流
● 适用于水平面及垂直面修补(墙、地面)
● 适用于室内快速修补 —如混凝土基层及混凝土楼梯踏步
● 适用于砂浆基面破损及裂缝的修补


● HENRY531快速修补砂浆快硬、快干 — 在1.5小时后可进行后续地材铺设;不垂流 — 适用于水平面及垂直面修补(墙、地面);适用于室内快速修补 —如混凝土基层及混凝土楼梯踏步;适用于砂浆基面破损及裂缝的修补。



● HENRY531快速修补砂浆是一种用于室内修补的早凝快干、抗垂流的特种功能性砂浆。该产品干固很快并能提供您所期望的砂浆强度和硬度。在20℃环境下,工作时间约15分钟,1.5小时即可硬化上人行走,接续进行其它施工。



● 整平和修补室内楼梯踏步、普通砂浆基面、混凝土地面等;填补墙面、天花板等的孔洞;修复门窗框架的四周基面;填补管道周围孔隙;可镘整坡道,从坡底薄边可镘整到正常厚度;可制作墙地面转角处的圆弧踢脚线、树脂地面施工前的基面修补。



● HENRY531可用于干燥或潮湿基面,但基面必须是坚实的,并且无灰尘、油污和其它有碍接着物。旧有基面需先去除表面污物,再用机器进行打磨(如研磨机、喷丸机、角磨机、钢刷等),去除表面污染物打磨掉浮尘暴露出坚实的混凝土基面以确保HENRY531与基面形成最大的粘结强度。

● 对于多孔吸水性好的表面如混凝土、普通砂浆基面、砖等可不用底涂剂,除非基面吸水率太大。

● 用于直接与土壤接触的地面时,原设计应含防潮膜处理。



● 25kg HENRY531加入5.75L水 (体积比为水: 粉剂=1:3) 。

● 在一干净搅拌桶中加入适量的清水,并倒入粉剂,进行机械搅拌直至生成无结块、抗垂流的浆体。避免使用过量的清水。在23°C工作环境下,工作时间为10-15分钟,但随着温度的升高和降低,工作时间也随之缩短和延长。如果施工厚度为10-30mm之间,可在HENRY531中加入约1/3体积的(粒径0-5mm)干净粗砂或最多等体积的3mm单粒径骨料。

● 修补局部超过20mm厚度,如深孔和裂缝,可加入最多等体积的10mm单粒径骨料。10mm以下的修补,请直接拌和使用。



● 修补用镘刀填补孔洞、裂缝和破损区域,施工时给镘刀施一定的压力,使得砂浆充分“润湿”基层表面并和表面牢固接触。约15分钟后,以海绵沾水湿润表面,再以镘刀收光。一旦修补区域硬化,即可进行后续精找平施工,如果需要,可使用HENRY550高强自流平。

● 平整表面:在工作时间内,用镘刀填补抹实,15-20分钟后,以海绵沾水湿润表面再以镘刀收光。如果用于较厚修补,添加骨料后,表面不易整平,可再以“纯”HENRY531进行第二遍施工以达到所期望的平整表面。HENRY531须在5℃以上使用。



● 25kg本品以1mm施工厚度,可覆盖约15m2

● 包装:25kg袋装

● 储存期:未开封储存于室内阴凉干燥处约6个月



● 粉剂

● 混合比例:       25kg本品加5.75L水

● 干粉密度:       约1.4kg/L

● 耗 用 量:      约1.6kg 粉体/mm/m2

● 湿浆

● 工作温度:      5°C - 35°C

● 湿浆密度:      约2.0kg/L

● 初凝:             约10-15分钟 (23°C)

● 终凝:             约60 分钟 (23°C) 


● 1 天 (23°C)   ≥ 15 MPa

● 1 天 (5°C)     ≥ 14 MPa

● 28 天 (23°C) ≥ 25 MPa


● 1天 (23°C)   ≥ 4 MPa

● 1天 (5°C)     ≥ 4 MPa

● 28天 (23°C) ≥ 6 MPa

● 粘结强度:    约1.6 MPa

● 收缩:           ≤ 0.15%



● 本品在正常使用过程中是安全可靠的。但是本品含有水泥,如直接长期接触,可能会刺激皮肤。避免在搅拌使用中吸入粉尘。避免直接接触眼睛和皮肤,施工时,请配戴相应的防护面具、手套和护目镜。不慎溅入眼睛,请用大量清水冲洗几分钟并尽快就医。如果吸入大量的粉尘,请保持通风状态,并且用清水漱口。如有任何不良反应,请及时就医。




Rapid hardening, quick drying, after 1.5 hours subsequent ground material can be laid;

Don't hang down stream - suitable for horizontal and vertical plane repair (wall/floor);

Suitable for indoor rapid repair - such as concrete substrate and concrete stair step ;

Suitable for mortar base damage and crack repair.


Product Description:

HENRY 531 rapid repair mortar is a kind of using for indoor repair early coagulation quick drying, special functional vertical flow resistance mortar. The product dry solid quickly and can provide you the desired mortar strength and hardness. At 20℃ environment, work time is about 15 minutes, 1.5 hours hardening walking here, succeeded to other construction.


Scope of application:

Levelling  and repair indoor stair step, the common base of mortar, concrete ground, etc;

Fill the metope, ceiling, such as holes; Repair the all around surface of door and window frame;

Rapid hardening, quick drying, after 1.5 hours subsequent ground material can be laid;

Don't hang down stream - suitable for horizontal and vertical plane repair (wall/floor);

Suitable for indoor rapid repair - such as concrete substrate and concrete stair step ;

Suitable for mortar base damage and crack repair.


Substrate Prepare:

HENRY531 can be used for the dry or wet base level, but the base must be solid, and free of dirt, oil and other hazardous to then. Old base need to remove surface dirt, and then use machine for grinding (such as grinding machine, shot blastinzg machine, grinder, steel brush, etc), to remove surface contaminants polished away dust exposed solid concrete base to ensure HENRY 531 with base to form the largest bond strength.

Good water imbibition for porous surface such as concrete, ordinary mortar base, brick can be coated, plane unless is bibulous rate is too big.

When used in direct contact with the soil ground, the original designs should be moistureproof film processing.


Mixing Proportion:

25kg henry 531 add 5.75 L water (volume ratio of water: powder = 1:3).



Add the right amount of water in a clean mixing barrel, and pour into powder, mechanical stirring until generation without aggregation, resistance to flow of the slurry.

Avoid using too much water. At 23℃ work environment, work time for 10-15 minutes, but with the rise and fall of temperature, working time is shortened and extended.

If the thickness of the construction is between 10-30 mm, can join about one-third the size (diameter 0-5 mm) clean coarse sand or single particle size of aggregate volume of 3 mm at most in HENRY531.

Repair local more than 20 mm thickness, such as deep hole and crack, can join up 10 mm single particle size of aggregate volume, etc.10 mm below the repair, please directly mixing to use.



Repair with a trowel fill holes, cracks and damage area, construction to trowel with certain pressure makes the mortar "wetting" surface at the grass-roots level and fully and solid surface contact. After about 15 minutes, with sponge water wet surface, light by trowel mark again. Once the repair area hardening, can for subsequent eveling construction, if necessary, can use HENRY High strength self-leveling.

Flat surface: in working hours, with a trowel fill compaction, after 15- 20 minutes, the water in sponge moist surface by trowel mark light again. If for thicker, after adding aggregate, surface not easily leveling, can be with "pure" HENRY 531 to do the second time again in order to achieve the desired flat surface.

HENRY 531 must be used in more than 5℃.


Cover Area:

25 kg of this product with 1 mm construction thickness, covering about 15m2



25 kg bags

Storage Life:

Store unopened in dry indoor shade place about six months

Technical data:


Mix proportion:          25 kg of this product plus 5.75 L water

Powder density:          1.4 kg/L

Consumption :        powder is about 1.6 kg/mm/m2

The wet slurry:

Working temperature: 5℃-35℃

Wet slurry density:      2.0 kg/L

Initial setting:              about 10-15 minutes (23℃)

Final set:                     about 60 minutes (23℃)

After curing


Compressive Strength:

1 days after (23℃)      ≥ 15 MPa

1 days after (5℃)        ≥ 14 MPa

28 days after (23℃)   ≥ 25 MPa

Flexural  Strength:

1 days after (23℃)      ≥  4 MPa

1 days after (5℃)       ≥  4 MPa

28 days after (23℃)   ≥  6 MPa

Bond strength:            about 1.6 MPa

Shrinkage:                  ≤0.15%



This product is safe and reliable in the process of normal use. But this product contains cement, such as direct contact for a long time, may stimulate the skin. Avoid breathing dust in mixing to use. Avoid direct contact with eyes and skin, when construction, please wear appropriate protective mask, gloves and goggles. Accidentally splashed into eyes, please rinse with water for a few minutes and see the doctor as soon as possible. If inhaled a lot of dust, please keep the ventilation state, and gargle with water.

If you have any adverse reaction, please timely medical treatment.