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HENRY 101 加气板砌筑粘结剂

● 优异的保水率
● 加水即用,强度高
● 和易性好,粘结力强


 HENRY 101 加气板砌筑粘结剂是由无机胶凝材料、精细骨料及优质添加剂混合而成。和易性好,粘结力强,收缩率低,具有良好的施工性;优良的保水性,在干燥砌块基面上都能保证砂浆有效粘结;加水即用,质量稳定, 施工方便,低耗、质轻。



● 优异的保水率;

● 和易性好,粘结力强;

● 加水即用,强度高。



3、施工:将搅拌均匀的砌筑砂浆用抹刀或者刮勺涂抹在加气混凝土板(砖)粘结面,建议双面涂抹粘结浆料,每次涂抹厚度 2-3mm。板(砖)安装时应对准缝隙,并充分挤压,使板(砖)缝内的浆料饱满密实。板(砖)缝宽度通常为3-4mm左右。




执行标准:JC/T 890-2017


储存运输: 本品须存放于干燥、通风的室内环境,防潮、防水、防止暴晒,保质期为12个月。


包装: 25KG/袋






HENRY101 Masonry Mortar

Product description:

This product is made of inorganic cementitious material, fine aggregate and high quality admixture. Good workability, strong adhesion, low shrinkage, with good application. Excellent water retention, the mortar can be effectively bonded on the dry base. After adding water can be used, stable quality, easy to apply, low consumption, light quality.


Excellent water retention;

Good workability and strong adhesion;

High compressive strength.


1. Surface treatment: the surface should be clean and firm, remove dust, grease, particles and all other things that affect the bond performance.

2. Mixing: mix 25kg powder to 5L water.The mortar should be used up within 3 hours.

3. Application: apply the masonry mortar with a spatula on the bonding surface of the aerated concrete plate. It is recommended to apply bonding mortar on both sides, with a thickness of 2~3mm each time. Plate installation should be aligned with the gap, and full extrusion, so that the gap in the slurry full and dense.The gap width is usually about 3~4mm.

4. With putty knife to clear the mortar in the gap.


The construction temperature should be between 5-35℃.After completion of construction, flush with clean water immediately. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

Executive standard:

JC/T 890-2017.

Storage and transportation:

This product must be stored indoors at 5℃-35℃ to prevent freezing and insolation.Shelf life is 6 months.

